Bezold's abscess is an abscess deep to the sternocleidomastoid muscle where pus from mastoiditis erodes through the cortex of the mastoid part of the ...
Bezold abscess is a complication of AOM with mastoiditis presenting as a laterocervical abscess (2). It is caused by a suppurative process eroding the mastoid ...
In the presence of cho lesteatoma, the bony walls of the mastoid may become thick and present a natural barrier against the formation of Bezold's abscesses.
Bezold's abscess is an infectious complication of mastoiditis rarely seen in the current era of antimicrobials. It can lead to seriously sequelae if not ...
Bezold's abscess is a suppurative complication of mastoiditis rarely seen in the current era of antimicrobials. It can lead to seriously sequelae if not ...